Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can occasionally be a medical emergency that necessitates prompt care. This can happen if your blood pressure increases suddenly and significantly. Keep reading to find out healthy blood pressure readings by age in Stockton-on-Tees.
What are ideal normal blood pressure readings by age?
When your blood pressure is taken, you will usually be given two numbers—a top and a bottom number.
- Systolic blood pressure. This is the top or initial number. When your heart beats, pumping blood around your body, your blood pressure rises to its greatest point. This is what is referred to as systolic blood pressure.
- Diastolic blood pressure. This is when your blood pressure drops to its lowest point as your heart slows down in between beats. It’s the second number in the reading.
Blood pressure is normally measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg). For example, it would be written as 120/80mmHg if the 1st number is 120 and the 2nd number is 80.
Blood pressure levels between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg are considered ideal. This is usually known as normal blood pressure. It indicates that your blood pressure reading is normal. Your risk of developing heart disease and stroke is significantly lower at this level. You can keep it within healthy limits by leading a healthy lifestyle.
Below is the ideal blood pressure by age and gender:
- 21-25 – 120.5/78.5
- 26-30 – 119.5/76.5
- 31-35 – 114.5/75.5
- 36-40 – 120.5/75.5
- 41-45 – 115.5/78.5
- 46-50 – 119.5/80.5
- 51-55 – 125.5/80.5
- 56-60 – 129.5/79.5
- 61-65 – 143.5/76.5
- 21-25 – 115.5/70.5
- 26-30 – 113.5/71.5
- 31-35 – 110.5/72.5
- 36-40 – 112.5/74.5
- 41-45 – 116.5/73.5
- 46-50 – 124/78.5
- 51-55 – 122.55/74.5
- 56-60 – 132.5/78.5
- 61-65 – 130.5/77.5
What are normal blood pressure readings for women vs men?
Given that women’s natural blood pressure is lower than men’s, they should seek treatment for hypertension if their systolic blood pressure is greater than 110. This is lower than the current standard of 120 for both sexes.
When should I seek help for my blood pressure?
Seek help immediately if your blood pressure is 180/120 or greater and you have any of the symptoms listed below, which could indicate organ damage:
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty speaking
- Numbness or weakness
- Change in vision
- Severe headache
When is a pregnant woman’s high blood pressure cause for concern?
Contrary to other people, pregnant women should call their doctor if their blood pressure is 140/90 or greater. Along with the high blood pressure, the below symptoms could also appear:
- Upper abdominal pain
- Headaches
- Vision changes
- Swelling – particularly in the hands and feet
What causes high blood pressure?
Being overweight, not exercising enough, and having conditions like diabetes increase your risk of developing high blood pressure.
How to achieve normal blood pressure readings
Doctors or pharmacists can assist you in maintaining a stable blood pressure level by using:
- Lifestyle changes
- Medicines
Each person has a distinct ideal solution.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist to assist you in making a treatment decision. To prevent their blood pressure from rising too high, some people who have high blood pressure may also be required to take one or more medications.
Book in with your nearest Knights Pharmacy branch to get your blood pressure readings in Stockton-on-Tees.

Updated 1/9/22
This post was written on behalf of Knights Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor