The flu vaccine is secure and reliable. It is made available each year by the NHS to help shield those who are susceptible to developing significant flu symptoms. The ideal time to get your flu vaccine is prior to the flu season starting in autumn or early winter. However, you can still get your NHS flu jab in the Midlands later.
Who can get the flu vaccine in 2022?
The flu vaccine is offered for free on the NHS to individuals who:
- Are 65 and above (including those who will be 65 by 31 March 2023)
- Have a specific medical condition
- Are pregnant
- Are in long-stay residential care
- Get a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person who may be vulnerable if you get the flu
- Stay with a person who is more likely to get a serious infection as a result of a weakened immune system, for instance, someone living with HIV, a person who has had a transplant, or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis
- Work as frontline medical workers
- Are social care workers who cannot receive the vaccine through an occupational health scheme at work
Starting from mid-October, individuals aged 65 years or above (including those who will be 50 years old by 31 March 2023) will be eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine.
You do not need to wait until mid-October if you are in this age range and have a chronic medical condition that makes you susceptible to the flu.
Is there anything different about the flu jab for over-65s?
Individuals aged 65 and above are getting a specific flu vaccine this winter. This is the best vaccine presently available for persons in this age group because it has an adjuvant. This component of the vaccine assists the immune system in developing a better response to the vaccine.
Consequently, it has been demonstrated that it provides older individuals with not only stronger but also more durable protection. Get in touch with us to learn more about this type of vaccine.
What is the cost of an NHS flu jab in the Midlands?
If you are eligible for a free vaccine, make an appointment with a pharmacy that offers the flu vaccination through the NHS.
Additionally, you might get an invitation to get immunised, but you are not compelled to wait until you do to schedule an appointment.
Everyone who meets the requirements will be eligible for the free flu vaccination.
If you are unable to arrange an appointment immediately, ask if you can schedule one for when there are more vaccines available. Also, if you are not eligible for the free vaccine, you can get a private one at the pharmacy as well.
Where can I get the NHS flu jab in the Midlands?
You can get the NHS flu vaccine at:
- Your GP surgery
- Some maternity services if you’re pregnant
- A pharmacy that offers the service – if you’re aged 18 or over
Is the flu vaccine important?
You should get a flu vaccine every year for several reasons. This is the only way to ensure that you will be safe from the virus and its severe side effects. A few benefits of getting one are:
- It is crucial for people with chronic conditions to get the flu vaccine. Consequently, it can lower the extent of infection in people who still become sick from the illness after vaccination.
- The flu vaccine lessens the possibility of hospitalisation with the illness.
- Pregnant women who get the vaccine are protected both during and after delivery.
- It’s a life-saving factor in children.
- By getting the jab, you also protect those around you.
You can also learn to protect yourself against a cold this season. Find out more in our previous blog post here:
Book your appointment with us today to get your flu jab this season and shop cold and flu remedies online:

This post was written on behalf of Knights Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor
Updated September 2022