If you think you might be experiencing hearing loss then take our quick, easy online hearing test now and get your results instantly.
Do people say that you have the TV volume up too loud? Do you find it hard to follow the conversation in noisy situations? Do you often ask people to repeat themselves or misunderstand what is being said? If you said YES to any of these then bloom can help you hear better again.
Coming to terms with the fact that you or a loved one may no longer be hearing as well as you once did isn’t easy but finding the right help is. In partnership with bloom hearing specialists we can offer you a hearing healthcare service that can make a real difference to your life.
Getting started is easy, all you need is a phone and 30 minutes. During your appointment, their Audiologist will ask you about your daily life, interests, and hearing challenges. The next step, if suitable, would be to have a demonstration of a hearing aid or a 60-day test drive.
Bloom hearing specialists offer the highest level of service and aftercare which is included in their price.
Bloom are committed to ensuring that you will have the best hearing possible whilst minimising risk and keeping you safe and sound.