Weight management can be discouraging if you feel that you are not achieving your desired results. However, it is important not to focus on numbers, as our quality of life can imp...
Winter is not far away and with it always comes the seasonal flu. The world may have been preoccupied with COVID-19 for the best part of the last two ...
It’s that season again: the common cold and the flu are out in full force and starting to get passed around. If there was one good thing about the qua...
The COVID-19 vaccination programme has been a huge undertaking that over 44 million people have taken advantage of in the UK alone. If you aren’t one ...
With the colder days setting in, you should start thinking about booking your flu vaccine. It may be something you have never considered before this y...
When it comes to Covid and flu, neither of these viruses need an introduction, with COVID-19 having taken up the majority of our everyday lives over t...