Does the Morning After Pill Work – How Do I Get It?

A morning after pill can save the day if you have concerns about pregnancy following unprotected sex. It can also give you peace of mind if the condom breaks or accidentally comes off during sexual intercourse. The following information can help you learn more about the morning after pill in Port Talbot and how you can get it.

Even though the pill is known as the morning after pill, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wait until the following morning to use it. The best time to take the pill is during the 24 hours that follow unprotected sex. If you are almost ovulating, you can still use emergency contraception even up to five days later. However, the sooner you take the pill, the more effective it will be in preventing pregnancy.

Is the morning after pill in Port Talbot effective?

There are two main types of the morning after pill: these include Levonelle and ellaOne. The best time to use them is usually before ovulation (before an egg is released, early in the menstrual cycle); it doesn’t matter the type of pill you use. If you have unprotected sex in the 24-hour period that follows ovulation, when the egg can still be fertilised, the effectiveness of emergency contraception will be at a minimum. However, the morning after pill may lower the uterus’ ability to implant, hence stopping pregnancy.

During the first 12 hours after unprotected sex, both Levonelle and ellaOne have shown 95% effectiveness. However, Levonelle starts to be less effective after 48 hours, down to 58%. ellaOne, on the other hand, maintains its effectiveness of 95% for up to 5 days after unprotected sex.

A morning after pill in Port Talbot

Do morning after pills have side effects?

The side effects that come with the morning after pill normally don’t last for long. These side effects are:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Breast tenderness
  • Fatigue
  • Heavier menstrual bleeding
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Cramps or lower abdominal pain

It’s necessary to get in touch with us if you vomit within two hours after using the morning after pill. We will guide you through the next step, which will likely involve taking another tablet.

Can men buy the morning after pill in Port Talbot?

No law, in particular, stops men from purchasing the emergency contraception pill, but pharmacists will need to see the person in need of the pill because of their duty of care.

Some medical information may be required, and providing it may not be easy for anyone but the patient. These details mostly involve BMI, other medical issues, or if the involved person is already pregnant.

A morning after pill in Port Talbot

Can you get the morning after pill in Port Talbot for free?

Any woman residing in the UK can get access to the morning after pill for free if prescribed by a pharmacist or doctor. This also applies to those living in Wales. The morning after pill can be accessed for free from:

  • Contraception clinics
  • Brook centres
  • Sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
  • Most minor injuries units
  • Community pharmacies – ensure you ask if they provide free emergency contraception
  • Many NHS walk-in centres
  • Most GP surgeries
  • Some hospital A&E (accident and emergency) departments

Knights Pharmacy Branch

Find your local branch to get discreet advice and emergency contraception today. You can also get in touch with us for more information.

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This post was written on behalf of Knights Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor